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Bashar Swaid is a faculty member of Civil and Architectural Engineering at University of Kalamoon and a member of the Architectural and Technological Design Laboratory at the University of Calabria. He is a research fellow at the Shattuck Center at Central European University. For the past seventeen years, he has worked on interdisciplinary issues like urban development, rehabilitation of historical Islamic cities, and parametric and algorithmic architecture. He led a team preparing the detailed master plans dealing with informal settlements, expansion and industrial areas in Damascus and Aleppo between 2006 and 2012. Bashar is a co-founder of Al Diwan engineering consulting office in Aleppo, and he chaired the supervision team for constructing the new industrial city (Al-Belleramon) in Aleppo from 2010-2013. Bashar holds a European PhD in architectural design from the University of Calabria and University of Nürtingen, a joint PhD in town planning from Polytechnic of Turin and University of Aleppo, a master in planning and environment from the University of Al-Baath, and a bachelor’s of architecture engineering and a diploma in city planning from the University of Aleppo. His research interests deal with bio-inspired design solutions for emerging complex adaptive systems such as the historical contexts, where he developed an innovative evolutionary technique for filling the destroyed urban gaps in Aleppo. Bashar taught courses on urban and architectural design in many public and private Syrian universities from 2007 to 2022. He participated in many international conferences and published papers in Arabic and English.
PhD Title: Fractal Socio-Morphological Evolutionary Technique for Filling Urban Gaps in 3D Models Applied in Aleppo and Cosenza
Abstract: Filling the gaps in the historical and modern contexts has always been considered important on various urban and social levels, as well as a major vector of economic development. While many parametric and algorithmic emergence methods have been efficiently applied for evolving architecture typologies and urban morphogenesis in modern environments, they have nevertheless failed to have the same performance in historical ones, due to their inability to meet multiple design challenges (both social and morphological) and because most of urban morphology processes, which are applied to historical structures, lack computational urban generative techniques involving the approach of the complexity science, based on both adaptive form-finding and space-filling mechanisms; and on the role of complexity and connectivity factors as the key determinants of the morphological and social perspectives. Therefore, the traditional technologies of urban systems, used in historical urban ontology, have been considered an obstacle, to emerging creative processes of urban morphogenesis, because they could only study semi–linear urban structure, and were unable to analyse the biological-like development of organic urban forms. Thus, it is becoming imperative to adopt a more intelligent, scientific approach for filling historic urban gaps. In order to understand this new approach and to create a new epistemological framework for urban morphology, this research uses evolutionary techniques in order to have a set of rules for creating different genotypes of architecture and urban forms. Which, by using computational processes, develop as output 3D models of urban processes, more suitable for complex adaptive systems such as the historical contexts. The focus of this research is on developing evolutionary design guidelines for filling urban gaps in both historic and modern environments with adaptive multifractal forms, through addressing the social and morphological design challenges, and rebalancing the urban connectivity and complexity values by self-organizing change depending on the feedback. The research concept relies on coupling fractal analytical techniques with spatial modelling technologies, by considering the role of self-similarity and social interactions factors as agents for the optimisation process. The research develops and applies analysing tools of lacunarity and local connected fractal dimensions, incorporated with a bio-inspired design tool in order for multifractal geometries to emerge, for two pilot cases scenarios to evolve. The research then makes a comparison between two different pilot cases: the historical centre of Aleppo and the modern centre of Cosenza, in order to derive the most important evolutionary design guidelines to face multiple design challenges: A) definition and optimisation of building genotype and phenotype, B) filling gaps approach and parameter in the historical and modern contexts, and C) urban generation techniques in spatial and complexity systems. The research aims to: Developing a series of tools, in particular, fractal and lacunarity analyses for the case studies of various host environments; Thresholding urban connection, hierarchy and coherence, by multivariate linear discriminate function analysis based on local connected fractal dimensions and lacunarity parameters. These invaluable local dimension analyses form the core for estimating localised morphologic changes of different urban levels; Creating genotype models of urban development in order to generate computational 3D cities by using evolutionary techniques, which use the thresholding level of the complexity and connectivity measures as fitness function. Finally, the research utilises these results to propose evolutionary design guidelines for filling the urban gaps in Aleppo and Cosenza. These guidelines assist in transforming the theory of geometrical emergence and urban morphogenesis as computational processes into a practical emergent urbanism powerful player ing in transforming and shapin new life into g the Key Words : Urban m historical and modern design, making it a urban environments. orphogenesis, building genotype and phenotype architecture, f ractal evolutionary t echnique. , complexity theory of architecture.
Consult this PhD Holder
Bashar Swaid -
Syria (سوريا) -
Field of Study
Architecture, Conservation and Civic Studies -
Architecture Design -
Other University, if not list
University of calabria -
Year of Award
2017 -
Italy (Italia)
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Consult this PhD Holder
Bashar Swaid -
Syria (سوريا) -
Architecture Design -
Other University, if not list
University of calabria -
Year of Award
2017 -